Tax Preparation Services

Tax Preparer authorized by the IRS.

With over 24 years of experience and helping the community in the area or Arlandria aka “Chirilagua”. We offer E-file electronically filing the Transmission of your tax returns at no additional cost. We prepare your Personal or Business Returns, not limited to:

* Sole-Proprietors, Self-employed and Schedule C

* Home-based business / daycares / landscaping / house cleaning / and more…

* Small business / S-Corp / C-Corp / LLC’s / Partnerships

The latest Federal Income Tax Data 2020, said that more than 143 million taxpayers have filed their tax return with a professional tax preparer. Be careful with all fake preparers that promised you the maximum refund, and give you an envelope for you to mail the return! those preparers are not even authorized to preparer taxes, and never sign your return. Preparing your own taxes can be challenge that will end with a problem if you are not sure what to report and how to prepare your taxes. Lets our experts help you with your complete personal and business tax return, today’s Tax law is very complicated, and you can end up with more questions than answers. The new Tax Law has removed many employer’s unpaid expenses, but on the other hand, it has double the standard deduction that is even more beneficial to many taxpayers.

Preparación de Taxes Personales y de Negocio.

Preparadores de Impuestos directamente autorizados por el IRS.
Con más de 24 años de experiencia ayudando a la comunidad del área de Alexandria “conocido por Chirilagua” Con el servicio de E-file sometiendo sus taxes electrónicamente, hacemos depositos directamente a su cuenta bancaria sin ningun costo adicional. Le ayudamos con taxes personales y de negocios.

La ley Federal de impuestos del año 2020, a demostrado que mas de 143 millones de contribuyentes an optado por preparar sus taxes con un preparador profesional. Tenga mucho cuidado con preparadores sin escrupulos, quienes le prometen el mayor reembolso, y al final le entrega un sobre para que usted mismo lo envie por correo! esos preparadores no son autenticos, y no estan actualizados con la ley de impuestos, al final tampoco le firman ni se hacen responsables de sus impuestos. Prepararse sus propios impuestos puede ser peligroso y le puede ocasionar consecuensias futuras si no sabe la ley federal que existe actualmente, al final podria resultar con mas preguntas que respuestas. Permita a nuestro personal capacitado, experimentado y autorizado por el Departamento de Rentas Internas (IRS) a preparle sus taxes de forma legal y garantizada a obtener el mayor reembolso legalmente. Recuerde que la nueva Ley Federal a descontinuado muchos de los gastos no pagados por su empleador que existian antes del año 2018, pero por otra parte a duplicado la deduccion estandar, que al final le es mas beneficioso a muchos contribuyentes.

E-file Service

Es más fácil con el servicio de E-file, pues somentemos sus taxes desde nuestro sitema de computacion sin necesidad de enviar nada por correo!

Direct Deposits

Las devoluciones van directamente a su cuenta de banco, si asi nos autoriza, y a la cuenta que usted desee y nos indique. Su reembolso le llegara mucho mas rapido sin tener que esperar cheque por correo!

NO up-front fees*

Ofrecemos productos de reembolso sin tener que pagar nada al frente, prestamos sobre su reembolso federal, y reembolso anticipado. Conseguimos que su reembolso sea en el menor tiempo posible.

Reasonable Prices

Nuestro servicio es mejor entre las agencias de impuestos más conocidas del area, pero a precios más cómodos, ofrecemos servicios de alta calidad!.

News & Updates

Tax Day now July 15: Treasury, IRS extend filing deadline
Tax Day now July 15: Treasury, IRS extend filing deadline

WASHINGTON — The Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service announced today that the federal income tax filing due date is automatically extended from April 15, 2020, to July 15, 2020. Taxpayers can also defer federal income tax payments due on April 15, 2020,...

Calculadora para obtener su reembolso del gobierno
Calculadora para obtener su reembolso del gobierno

The U.S. government is about to send checks — or direct deposits — to most Americans to help people survive financially as much of the economy shuts down in an effort to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus. Bipartisan legislation signed into law by President...

Coronavirus stimulus checks: When will payments from IRS be paid?
Coronavirus stimulus checks: When will payments from IRS be paid?

Last week, as unemployment rates skyrocketed, the federal government passed a $2.2 trillion stimulus bill intended to give economic impact payments directly to American citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service...


3805 Mount Vernon Ave.
Suite B (Second Floor)
Alexandria, VA 22305



Tax Day now July 15: Treasury, IRS extend filing deadline

WASHINGTON — The Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service announced today that the federal...

Calculadora para obtener su reembolso del gobierno

The U.S. government is about to send checks — or direct deposits — to most Americans to help...

Coronavirus stimulus checks: When will payments from IRS be paid?

Last week, as unemployment rates skyrocketed, the federal government passed a $2.2 trillion...

Coronavirus IRS news

In the next link you can find IRS daily new about Coronavirus and taxes: VIEW IRS NEWS Coronavirus...

Economic impact payments: What you need to know

Check for the latest information: No action needed by most people at this time IR-2020-61,...